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What to expect

  • Some individuals will start to feel positive results within the first week, while some may not feel them until the very end.
  • It is important to trust the process and stay committed to all 36 treatments. Whatever you are feeling is normal!
  • Some patients report that they did not realize the treatment was working until friends and family noted positive changes.
  • Be patient & stay positive!

What to expect – week by week

Day 1-5

  • Establish a new routine
  • Meet and gain comfort with the office staff and your treater(s)
  • Acclimate to the feeling of treatment
You may experience amild headache, which canbe relieved with Tylenol. This is common.

Day 6-10

  • Relax into your treatment routine
  • Become accustomed to being in the treatment chair
Your treater can make adjustments for an improved experience.

Day 11-25

  • Hear that friends and family may notice positive changes in you
  • Deepen awareness of your feelings and behaviors
  • Perceive improvement in your energy and focus
You may have felt positive changes that begin to fade, described as dip or plateau. This is normal.

Day 11-25

  • Notice a greater sense of motivation
  • Have more resiliency when facing everyday challenges
  • Possibly question the need for continued treatments due to current response
Regardless of what you are feeling, it is important to continue coming to treatment for the best chance of long-term effects. It is like finishing a course of antibiotics.

Day 31-36

  • Experience significant relief from depression symptoms
  • Feel pride for advocating for yourself and completing 36 treatments
  • Continue noticing new improvements for a period of time following your final treatment.

You may experience some of these positive changes:

  • More energy
  • Improved quality of sleep
  • Elevated mood
  • Better concentration
  • Improved appetite and eating habits
  • Restored interest in hobbies
  • More social disposition
  • Feeling of weight lifted
  • Greater vibrancy of color

Molly Testimonial
